15 Apr 2016

Some web browsing......

The Fruitful Witness of the Family of Pope Benedict XVI


Pope Francis to visit the Greek island of Lesbos
Pope Francis in Lesbos: island’s only Catholic parish priest ahead of visit
Pope Prays at Santa Maria Maggiore Before Departing for Lesbos - Francis Travels to Rome’s Marian Basilica to Pray for Mary’s Protection for His Visit to Greek Island to Meet With Refugees
Could Pope Francis' visit to Greece be a game-changer for refugees?
Pope Francis aims to cash in political muscle with stop in Greece

Persecution of Christians can have a polite disguise, Pope Francis warns
'We too are living in a time of martyrdom', Pope tells Scottish seminarians

Bono goes to Washington, gets tough on refugee crisis

Trócaire nominated to share $1m human rights prize
Just war theory should be abandoned, says conference hosted by Vatican
Vatican conference urges end to doctrine of ‘just wars’

The retrograde intransigence of conservative Catholics

Limerick synod presents ‘mandate’ for lay-led Church

Rumors of God’s Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

RGC3: What is a Man? Redefining Male Success

For Catholic astronauts, flying to space doesn’t mean giving up the faith

Can an Outsider Ever Truly Become Amish? One of the rarest religious experiences you can have in America is to join the Plain.

Sanders fracas offers a needed reminder that ‘the Vatican’ is a myth
Pontifical Academy appraises Centesimus annus
Bernie Sanders - The Urgency of a Moral Economy: Reflections on the 25th Anniversary of Centesimus Annus
Prepared Statement by Bernie Sanders for Vatican Conference is an Accurate Reading of CST
In Vatican speech, Sanders plays to the house

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